Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Feb. 19, 2014 - Impending Arrival

This week in WWE, it was made emphatically clear that Daniel Bryan is meant to be the "underdog" in the Elimination Chamber (having to wrestle multiple matches in a row twice in one week will do that), while Antonio Cesaro is the "dark horse," owing to his defeat of Randy Orton and hard-fought match against the Almighty Cena.  The Shield/Wyatt Family rivalry finally exploded into an epic staredown/brawl, and the Usos seem poised to take the Tag Titles off the Old New Age Outlaws.

Oh, and the Network is coming next week!

Down in NXT Land, preparations for NXT's "Arrival" on the Network were in full swing. Emma kept her momentum strong going into her match with Paige. Sami Zayn and Cesaro have a tense sit-down interview. And Tyler Breeze looked to try to rearrange Adrian Neville's face.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Feb. 12, 2014 - Rivalries on Arrival

This week in WWE, The Authority continued to make Randy Orton "run the gauntlet" of his challengers at the Elimination Chamber, losing to both Antonio Cesaro and perennial rival John Cena, in a match that Cena implied was the end of their rivalry.  Meanwhile, Daniel Bryan continues to have issues with The Authority and in particular Corporate Kane, while The Shield and the Wyatt Family heated up their own feud as we speed toward the next PPV.

Oh, and no matter what WWE might want you to think, C.M. Punk still exists, and no amount of ignoring the chants will change that.

Down in NXT Land, the BFFs proved their true colors in a six-Divas tag match against Emma, Natalya, and Bayley, BIG CASS clashed with the Artiste, CJ Parker has a smaller carbon footprint than you, and things got creepy as the Wyatt Family made a return.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Feb. 5, 2014 - Speed Bumps on the Road

This week in WWE, the Yes Movement continued to pick up momentum as Daniel Bryan picked up a key victory over Randy Orton, although it appears that Corporate Kane is going to be a thorn in D-Bry's side for the near future.  The Shield and the Wyatt Family continue their war of words, with neither side showing any fear of the other, although an issue continues to simmer between Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose.

And WWE is now pretending that CM Punk doesn't exist, as they have not mentioned him on air since last week.

Oh, and this week on Raw, the Emmalution was televised as Emma herself made her 'debut' in a dance-off with Summer Rae! But more on that below the break.

Down in NXT Land, while things steam toward NXT Arrival on February 27, the Rusev Legacy continues to slowly build momentum, while France battles Wales, English battles Canada, and as a heated rivalry erupts again as Corey Graves looks to avenge his concussion on the man who gave it to him, Adrian Neville.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Jan. 29, 2014 - Don't Take Your Eye Off the Ball

This week, the WWE Universe, as one, declared they were sick to death of Cena-vs-Orton Part LVIII.  They declared that they would rather watch the Divas wrestle than the Superman or the 'Face' of the WWE.  They stated that they did not want to see Dave Batista headline Wrestlemania. They demanded one man in their main event, and that man's name was Daniel Bryan.

Down in NXT Land, The Ascension continued their utter domination of the remnants of NXT's tag division, Corey Graves re-started the filth parade, Bayley kept fighting her way through the BFFs, Big Cass looked to rearrange Tyler Breeze's face, The Miz fought CJ Parker in a match no one really cared about, and Bo Dallas and Adrian Neville got on the train toward NXT Arrival...

Be warned, readers, I go off on a bit of a rant below the break.