This week in WWE, The Authority continued to make Randy Orton "run the gauntlet" of his challengers at the Elimination Chamber, losing to both
Antonio Cesaro and perennial rival John Cena, in a match that Cena implied was the end of their rivalry. Meanwhile, Daniel Bryan continues to have issues with The Authority and in particular Corporate Kane, while The Shield and the Wyatt Family heated up their own feud as we speed toward the next PPV.
Oh, and no matter what WWE might want you to think, C.M. Punk still exists, and no amount of ignoring the chants will change that.
Down in NXT Land, the BFFs proved their true colors in a six-Divas tag match against Emma, Natalya, and Bayley,
BIG CASS clashed with the Artiste, CJ Parker has a smaller carbon footprint than you, and things got creepy as the Wyatt Family made a return.